hero dogs of 2012We think of dogs as our lovable furry pets. But some dogs go above and beyond, really embodying what it is to be "Man's best friend".
“Heroes change our world, capture our imagination, and give us new ideals toward which to strive.” These were the words American Humane Association President and CEO, Robin R. Ganzert, chose when she spoke to the audience at the second annual AHA Hero Dog Awards, which were broadcast by the Hallmark Channel. Meet the 8 courageous canines honored—their stories will inspire you. Read more... |
8 Tips for Being the
Quiz: Which Classic Novel Heroine Are You?What famous character do you resemble? Take our quiz and find out! Use a pen and paper to record your answers as you go along.
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5 Adorable Animal Odd CouplesLove Gone Wild
We all love a love story. You know the kind: where love triumphs against all odds. Our friends at PBS rounded up some very special stories of love and friendship in their heartwarming DVD, Animal Odd Couples. Here, just in time for Valentine's Day, we share some of their star attractions with you... Read more... |
Marriage Advice We Got from
7 Deadliest AnimalsAnimals to Celebrate?
October 4th is World Animal Day. Established in 1931 to celebrate all animals, in recent years, this celebration has been used to draw attention to animals at risk of extinction. With Halloween so close, we thought we'd mix things a bit. The animals on our list aren't necessarily at risk for extinction (though most of their habitats have been affected by human intrusion). Rather, they all are equipped to defend themselves cunningly in close combat, meaning YOU could be the one extinct! Read more... |
7 Weirdest Animals on EarthAmazing Animals
It started with the Jesus Christ Lizard, so named for its ability to pull off a miracle only its namesake was known to do... was this a joke? Turns out, it wasn't.Get to know the real story behind the Jesus Christ Lizard and six more of the most amazing creatures on the planet. Whether you show them to the grandkids or not, we think you'll be amazed! Read more... |
The Cicadas Are Here!The Buzz on Cicadas
Have you been outside and heard the buzzing? From now until the end of June, literally billions of cicadas will be buzzing a 900-mile stretch of the East Coast that includes Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North Carolina. Why care about these buzzing creatures? Well, while there are more than 2,000 varieties of cicadas in the world and some of them come out every year, the Magicicadas of North America are the most well-known and only come every 17 years—and this is the year! In honor of the big event, we thought you’d like to know some interesting cicada facts before they disappear again until 2030. Read more... |